Lower School Faculty Members Emily Anderson and Alexis Harris 2001
"This year one of our roles is to encourage faculty and staff to support the 2019-2020 Hamden Hall Fund. We have seen firsthand how the school's giving community enriches and provides opportunities for our students. From field trips, extracurricular programs, and student materials to sports programs and student scholarships, we all play an important role in making Hamden Hall a special place for everyone. We want to encourage all of you to be generous and give what you can! For those of you who know us well, you know we love teamwork, find fun in all we do, and are just a tad bit competitive. Whether on the soccer or lacrosse fields or in a pick-up basketball game, we are always sure to do our best - and that’s what we’re asking of you!"
Please support the 2019-2020 Hamden Hall Fund. Click here to give today!
Alumna Earns MSW
Taylor De Natale, Class of 2011, graduated from Quinnipiac University in May 2019 with a Master of Social Work (MSW). Click here to read more.
Alumnus Chairing 40th Class Reunion
Bruce Shutan, Class of 1979, recently moved to Portland, Ore., after 20 years in the Los Angeles area. “I'm loving it!” reports Bruce who has crafted a fulfilling life as a freelance writer. Despite the distance from his alma mater, Bruce has stepped up to chair his 40th class reunion. Click here to read more.
60th Reunion Celebrant Coming Home
It’s been six decades since Betty Hofmann O’Connor, Class of 1959, has been back to Hamden Hall. But she’s making the trip from her home in New Orleans to attend her 60th class reunion luncheon on Oct. 11. Betty is a “Lifer” — having attended Hamden Hall from Kindergarten through Grade 12. She shares that distinction with her sister, the late Susan Hofmann Beasley, Class of 1962. Click here to read more.
1982 Alumnus Reflects on Change
Herb Emanuelson, Class of 1982, started a new job at The Hartford in May as assistant director of marketing. When asked for an update, Herb reflected as the creative he is! Click here to read Herb's reflections.
Hornet Toddler
Joe Stein, Class of 2007, and his wife, Leah Serenity Stone, recently decked their daughter out in Hamden Hall attire. Click here to read more.
Richard Chiaramonte, science teacher and MakerSpace Design Lab coordinator, will be honored in October by the Stamford Land Conservation Trust for his “outstanding contribution to environmental conservation in the city of Stamford.” Rich will receive the Stamford Land Trust's Conservation Award after having served seven years as the President of the Board.
April Schwartz, a sixth-grader, won first place in the North Haven Fair's baking contest for her apple crumb muffins! Next up for April is a state competition. |
Garland and Glam Fashion Show:
 The Parents' Association cordially invites all Hamden Hall community members (fun for men and women!) to an evening of Garland and Glam on Nov. 14 at 5 p.m. Boutique shopping, a fashion show, dinner, and more will be featured at the event, which takes place at Cascade Fine Catering in Hamden. Dads, moms, and students from our Hamden Hall community will model fashions as emceed by WTNH co-anchor Jocelyn Maminta. Tickets on sale now. Click here to learn more and register online.
Annual Pie Sale:
Just in time for Thanksgiving, the annual pie sale will take place from October 1 - 15 with distribution on Nov. 21. Both Lyman Orchards pies and Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough will be available. Click here to order online. A downloadable order form is also available by clicking here.
Homecoming 2019
The Parents' Association will host a cookout with grilled items (and more!) for purchase during Homecoming 2019 on Saturday, Oct. 12, at the Skiff Street Athletic Complex from noon to 4 p.m.
| | Volume: X Issue: 2
Sept. 26, 2019
The College Counseling Office is hosting monthly parent breakfasts to discuss the college process.
College 101 Underway
College Counselors Host Monthly College Info Sessions
The college process can be an arduous road to navigate, but a new initiative in the College Counseling Office is helping chart the way for Upper School families.
Monthly breakfasts for parents and guardians of freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are now underway and focused on such topics as standardized testing, college athletics and recruiting, and more.
Over coffee and bagels on Sept. 11, those on hand for the first program received an introduction to the College Counseling Office and Hamden Hall’s specific approach to the college process. The College Office is made up of director Kiki Carlson, college counselor Sue Toole, associate director Carole Bird, and director emeritus Fred Richter.
Even though the college process doesn’t officially begin until Grade 11, Mrs. Carlson noted that there are many opportunities at Hamden Hall to take advantage of in the years leading up a student’s junior year.
“We know that many Upper School parents have probably started thinking about college and may have questions,” said Mrs. Carlson of the new breakfast series.
Upcoming discussions will include the college application, building a competitive transcript, extracurricular activities and leadership roles, and the behemoth of them all – affording college. Mrs. Carlson noted that she may add an evening version for eighth-grade parents in the spring.
Third-graders pose with their peaceful pinwheels on display outside of the Lower School Art Cottage.
Art Project Inspires 'Whirled Peace'
There’s nothing more peaceful than a colorful pinwheel spinning in the wind, especially when they’re handmade and come with a lesson on “whirled peace.”
Kindergarten through Grade 6 students participated in the global project Pinwheels for Peace in celebration of the International Day of Peace on Sept. 21. The initiative resonated with Lower School art teacher Sue Bennett 1973 who called the project “another way that art can be used for very meaningful purposes.”
“This Pinwheels for Peace project is a collaborative, artistic, outdoor installation displaying our unique artistic efforts here at Hamden Hall. Our pinwheels are now catching the wind outside the Lower School Art Cottage and represent our school's contribution in helping to encourage ‘whirled peace,’” said Mrs. Bennett.
The young artists used crayons and light-weight paper (so they can blow in the wind!) to create their spinning wonders. In addition, the students learned the meaning behind the project, which was aimed at making a public visual statement about feelings regarding war, peace, bullying, tolerance, cooperation, harmony, and unity.
Lower School Sing-Off 2019
Congratulations to our Grade 4 students who won the annual school sing-off competition. According to Lower School Director Lorri Carroll, "Every grade was excited and proud to take the stage to show their school spirit." The competition was judged by our seven Lifers in the Class of 2020.